Ice Ice BABY!
It started raining this morning and we didn't think too much about it...until...Adam noticed it was freezing rain. (Pilots know this kind of thing. I could see the terror in his eyes.) Pretty soon everything was covered in ice.

We left the house for an appointment and within the 1 1/2 hours that we were gone, everything changed.
The road we came on was now an obstacle course of trees, heavy with ice, blocking the road and entire branches were broken and littering the road. The road was not icy to drive on, but the danger was all in the stuff lying on the road.

On our way home, we figured we'd better head to the grocery store and get a few groceries and supplies in case the power went out. The lights had gone off a few times at our appointment and also while we were in the grocery store, so we wanted to be safe and have a few things on hand to eat without power to cook.
We arrived home to this...

The other remaining tree in our yard succumbed to the weight of the ice and seemed to lay down for a rest. The branches are thick with ice.

We went out and explored our yard 1/2 an hour ago and saw another tree in our backyard is ruined because of the ice.
It sure makes for some incredible photos!! The branch almost looks fossilized!

We left the house for an appointment and within the 1 1/2 hours that we were gone, everything changed.

The road we came on was now an obstacle course of trees, heavy with ice, blocking the road and entire branches were broken and littering the road. The road was not icy to drive on, but the danger was all in the stuff lying on the road.

On our way home, we figured we'd better head to the grocery store and get a few groceries and supplies in case the power went out. The lights had gone off a few times at our appointment and also while we were in the grocery store, so we wanted to be safe and have a few things on hand to eat without power to cook.
We arrived home to this...

The other remaining tree in our yard succumbed to the weight of the ice and seemed to lay down for a rest. The branches are thick with ice.

We went out and explored our yard 1/2 an hour ago and saw another tree in our backyard is ruined because of the ice.
It sure makes for some incredible photos!! The branch almost looks fossilized!

Quite the experience, if people could just understand this, they wouldn't lose their patience when delayed to de-ice aircraft just a short time, things can change so drastically.
Beautiful pictures.
Mean Jean
Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with.